Secodev’s primary mission is to reverse the process of impoverishment of populations living in rural areas. The deep desire to tackle poverty inflicted on highly vulnerable populations in the Southern hemisphere drives the organisation. To this aim, Secodev supports medium- and long-term projects led by dependable and respected local partners with a proven track record in both food sovereignty intervention, and education and vocational training. Secodev looks to reinforce the capacities and autonomy of beneficiaries. It helps empowers them to improve their living conditions through social and economic change, and where appropriate cultural or environmental shifts.
The supported populations, rural farming families, women and children, become change agents, taking control over their future and in the process improving their living conditions.
Secodev’s vision and intervention strategy are based on a comprehensive, dynamic and inclusive approach to development. First, Secodev intervenes specifically in countries characteristic of areas which have endured or are currently enduring conflict. Second, Secodev works alongside particularly fragile populations, such as small farming families, women, young people, children, young single mothers or widowers from isolated or rural geographical areas. Third, to induce the effects of change on populations the organisation draws on its 50-year expertise in two specific areas of intervention: food sovereignty, and education and vocational training.
Secodev recognises that improving people’s living conditions impacts not only the country’s development, but also stability and peace.
By working with local, respected and effective partners, Secodev creates and promotes ties between the north and the south, as well as between different actors in the south. It also shares its experience and expertise with organisations working in the same field in the north.
Secodev collaborates in a spirit of partnership with associations present in the field. This work is currently being carried out through Action Plans, four-year programs supported by the Fédération genevoise de coopération alongside other donors and institutions. Its work and mission chime with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 agenda.
Its values are based on six interdependent pillars.
Support the principles of social, economic, political, educational and gender equity to promote greater social and economic justice, help to reinforce the dignity of disadvantaged populations and give them confidence in the future.
Conducting exchanges while respecting the culture, spirituality and beliefs of local people, thanks to the proximity of Secodev and its partners to them in the field.
Accompanying and supporting communities living in precarious conditions, with particular attention to the needs of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, regardless of faith, nationality or culture.
To meet the economic and social needs of the most disadvantaged in a sustainable way that has multiplier effects, while respecting the environment through the appropriate use of natural resources, promoting adaptation to climate change and raising awareness of the need to preserve the environment.
Enhance the knowledge and skills of beneficiaries, in a spirit of exchange of experience and knowledge, to empower them and their communities and enable them to become actors in their own development.
Ensure rigorous, transparent management and a constant search for effectiveness and efficiency to guarantee credibility and flexibility towards beneficiaries and partners. Secodev was awarded Zewo certification in March 2020, attesting to the sound management and use of the funds entrusted to it.