From left to right: Anne Simon (Secretary General Secodev), Liliana Soler (Lecturer in Development Policy and Practice at IHEID and member of the FGC Board), Ernest Niyonzima (Agricultural Engineer and Secretary General OAP in Burundi), Abbé Jean Marie Dushimiyana (Director Caritas Byumba until 2021), Dr. Théogène Gakuba (Lecturer – Researcher HETS, and Migration expert)
At the beginning of November, Secodev hosted six African partners during its special week “Atelier Genève 2022”.
This week of exchanges and knowledge sharing was marked by rich and varied activities. During a conference-debate on the theme of rural development, our experts in the fields of migration, gender, agro-ecology and sustainable development, discussed the importance for partnerships to understand the contexts of the countries of intervention.
We would like to thank the FGC, our speakers, the audience and all those who contributed to the success of the event.
Finally, we would like to thank the Maison Internationale des Associations for hosting us and Le Ravy for its impeccable catering.